Admission and Registration




Admission and Registration Procedures
The Department of Admission and Registration announces at the beginning of every semester the registration procedures which are as follows:
  • Students must consult their academic advisors before registering any course.
  • Academic advisors check students study plans and assign courses for registration accordingly, and courses are then registered on line by following the link on the College’s website.
  • Sponsored students can print their timetables from the College’s website after confirming registration.
  • Self-sponsored students can obtain their timetables after paying (50%) of the tuition fees.
Registration & Add and Drop Regulations
The academic calendar is issued every year and it states:
1- Date of commencement of study.
2- Date and time frame for course registration.
3- Date and time frame for add and drop with and without financial loss.
4- Date and time frame for course drop with financial loss.
5- An academic calendar will be issued annually.

Transfer from other universities and colleges
The College admits students transferring from recognized higher education institutions according to the following:
1. The student’s General Secondary School Certificate (or equivalent) average meets the College admission requirements.
2. The student has to be transferred from full-time regular study.
3. The student must study no less than 50% of the College study plan of the new desired specialization.
4. Courses studied in the original institution are accredited for college courses if their content shows no less than 75% of the College relevant courses. Original courses credit is transferred to the new credit but is not considered when calculating the student’s College cumulative.

Change of Major
1. A student may change specialization within the College if her General Secondary School average (or equivalent) qualifies her to join the new specialization.
2. Applications for changing specializations are made through a special form presented to the Head of the Department of Admission and Registration. Applications have to be approved by the desired department and endorsed by the Dean.
3. When changing specialization, a student may ask for successfully studied course of her previous study plan to be considered in the new plan if they are a part of the new study plan. Marks of such courses are considered in calculating the student’s semester average and cumulative.
4. A transferred student is considered a new student in terms of postponement of study, issuance of warning and dismissal from specialization. She has to study the study plan of the new specialization.
5. Sponsored students have to get the approval of the sponsoring party when changing specialization. This has to be done through a special form.
Switching from Bachelor to Diploma
1. Student is allowed to switch from B.A to Diploma after obtaining the Dean of the College and the student’s financial sponsor.
2. Change of degree of study will clear all previous academic warnings and the current grades will be counted.
Withdrawal from College and resumption of study
1. Withdrawal from College has to be presented through a special form to the Department of Admission and Registration at least two weeks before the beginning of the final examinations of the semester the student is registered in. The note “Withdrawn from College” is stated in the student’s record and her registration is considered cancelled. In case the withdrawal request is presented during the final examinations of the semester the student is registered in, marks earned in the examined courses are considered while College zero is given to non-examined courses.
2. A withdrawn student can resume study within four years for Bachelor and two years for Diploma of the withdrawal date. The College Council may consider her re-registration in the same specialization. A re-registered student keeps her former academic record (unless she was dismissed from College). She has to fulfill the graduation requirements of the study plan applicable at the time of re-registration. The former period of study is considered in deciding the longest period limit for award of the Bachelor degree.

 Deferment of study
1. A student can ask for postponement of study before the beginning of the semester she wants to postpone. She has to present reasons which a relevant College body considers convincing. This is performed by:
  • College Dean: if the requested postponement is for one semester. It should not exceed four successive or non-successive semesters.
  • The College Council: if the requested postponement is for more than four semesters, but not more than six successive or non-successive semesters.
2. A student can ask for postponement of study during the period of add and drop in special cases approved by the College Dean.
3. A new or transferred student can ask for postponement only after studying in a specialization for one semester.
4. The postponement period is not considered when calculating the longest allowed period for getting the Bachelor degree.
5. The Head of the Department of Admission and Registration has to be formally informed about the postponement decision issued by the College Dean or the College Council.
Tests and evaluation
The final mark for each subject is (100 points) and is distributed as follows:
1. Continuous Semester Assessment: There must be no less than 3 assessment items, equivalent to 60 marks
2. Final exam: 40 marks
Courses of a scientific or research nature are excluded from the previous distributions, according to the nature of the course and what the department determines in this regard.