About ZCW

Vision, Mission, Values and Goals


Vision, Mission, Values and Goals

ZCW Vision:
To be a leading university college locally, regionally, and internationally, providing a sustainable knowledge-based environment that fosters innovation and creativity, and to be the female students' first choice college.
ZCW Mission:
To offer high-quality academic programs that promote academically female students' self-actualization as well as their leadership and entrepreneurship skills, while enabling them to be self-dependent, enter in an efficient manner the labor market and play a significant part in the service and building of the society.

ZCW Values:
1- Professionalism and Teamwork
2- Academic Integrity
3- Excellence, Innovation and Creativity
4- Transparency and Accountability
5- Upholding Ethical Values
6- Tolerance and Respect for other Cultures

ZCW Goals:
1- Promote institutional work
2- Enhance academic standards and quality education
3- Improve and strengthen physical infrastructure and e-learning services
4- Review academic programs to meet society and labor market requirements
5- Propagate a culture of entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity
6- Attract and retain academic staff by improving admission and retaining mechanisms
7- Expand and strengthen academic and research-based initiatives to elevate the College standards and boost its reputation and status
8- Cultivate partnerships with national, regional, and international communities
9- Diversify and stabilize financial resources